Ressources externes / Publications / Ending legalised violence against children - Global progress to December 2015
Le rapport met l’accent sur la punition à l’endroit des enfants. L’objectif principal est de soutenir des réformes des systèmes scolaires, de santé, familiaux, dans lesquels les enfants sont encore soumis à des châtiments corporels légaux. Il s’inscrit dans la perspective de l’interdiction des châtiments corporels prévu dans le cadre des objectifs de développement durable de 2030 (ODD).
The report focus on global punishment of children. The main objective is to support school systems in which children are still subjected to lawful corporal punishment, or supporting health systems in countries in which corporal punishment in the family and other settings has not been challenged. Therefore on the global progress towards prohibition of corporal punishment, issued in the year that Government around the world have made a commitment to ending all violence against children under the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.